Plus Plus Established in HQ in United States. Such assets can consist of a currency pair, commodity, stock, stock index or other financial instruments. Deposit Trader 0. Islamic accounts: These are suitable for traders who wish to trade in an account that conforms to Sharia law. Investors keen on playing long term must remember that the recent price appreciation and accompanying volatility is not based on fundamentals. Active traders typically pay per trade commissions more often than inactive traders and investors.
Limited Time Offer:
Citibanking : Apply online around 8 minutes and Stofk need to visit branch. Secure — Two-Factor Authentication to trade. Investment Service Enquiries hotline at Open a new stock account during July 2 to December 31,to enjoy the below welcome offers:. Enter your desired stock code. Enter your price and amount directly. Verify your trade details on the pre-confirmation page.
Account Options
Hong Kong has come a long way. Here are some direct and indirect routes to gain exposure to the Hong Kong market. Since the British handoff in , Hong Kong and mainland China have operated under the principle of one country, two systems. Hong Kong is called a special administrative region and is free to pursue capitalism and manage its own taxes, money, trade, foreign exchange, and currency: the Hong Kong dollar. The following are a few ways that investors can trade directly or indirectly on companies listed in the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The easiest way for U. These provide diversification as well as ease of trading without the currency risk.
Account Type
Citibanking : Apply online around 8 minutes and No need to visit branch. Secure — Two-Factor Authentication to trade. Investment Service Enquiries hotline at Open a new stock account during July 2 to December 31,to enjoy the below welcome offers:. Enter your desired stock code. Enter your price and amount directly. Verify your trade details on the pre-confirmation page. A confirmation page will be shown and your trade will be completed. Click on the trade you want to make changes on.
See hlng profits and losses without manual input. You can instantly trade again to capture every investment opportunity. Allow easy control over your stocks. Whether you’re dealing honb cash or dividend, it can be managed instantly and easily on your phone. Select the Pending Item. A normal order is an enhanced limit order that allows you traing set a maximum price for a buy order or a minimum price for a sell order as the order price.
An input control mechanism is put in place to ensure that the order price is not set too far away from the current market price when the order is placed, such that a the order price for a buy order shall be set within the range of 19 spreads higher than and spreads lower than that current bid price; or b the order price for a sell order shall be set within the range of 19 spreads lower than and spreads higher than that current ask price.
Any unfilled portion of a normal order will be queued for matching until the relevant order expiration stocck. Generally, placing a normal order does not guarantee its execution even when the market price reaches your set order price if other orders may have been queued ahead of yours. Market Order is an order which customers do not specify the price. Any unfilled quantity of the Market Order resulting from completion of the above procedure will be automatically cancelled at tradong.
The Bank will calculate the required transaction amount and trading related charges based on the 10 spreads above the nominal price of the stock i. The Bank will submit the order to the market for matching once up to the 10 best price queues at prices equal to or lower than stoco nominal price plus 10 spreads i. Transaction Result: The Market Order is fully executed by buying all 50, shares after matching with the 10 best price queues in the prevailing market.
Transaction Result: The Market Order is only partially executed by buying a total of 41, shares after matching with the 10 best price queues in the prevailing market. The unfilled quantity of the order i. The Bank will submit the order to the market for matching once up to the 10 best price queues at prices equal to or higher than the nominal price minus 10 spreads i.
Transaction Result: The Market Order is fully executed by selling all 50, stock trading app hong kong after matching with the 10 best price queues in the prevailing market. Transaction Result: The Market Order is only partially executed by selling a total of 4, shares after matching with the 10 best price queues in the prevailing market. Enable you to set the order validity period for up to 4 trading days for normal order, at-auction limit order Pre-opening session and stop loss order.
Within jong good-till-date of a single good-till-date order, all the portion s thereof filled on any trading day shall be aggregated as one single order for that trading day for the purpose of calculating the fees and charges based on the normal fees and charges schedule and the executed price on that trading day.
Any incoming aggressive orders i. You can also enjoy the benefits of «Dollar-cost-averaging», which mean the average price of the stocks in your portfolio may be lower than the market price. The process takes around 3 days. Quickly locate targeted warrants using criteria such as stock code, expiry date and implied volatility.
You can choose to receive the alert messages via SMS or email. Track trading movement rrading significant investments by picking out stocks with large trade turnover. Zpp log onto www.
Terms and Conditions: Terms and Conditions:. Illustration: A New Stock Client sstock opens a securities account on July 23,hence, July will be tradinng 1st calendar tradijg. Condition: New Stock Clients must have a Successful Payroll Deposit from the 4th calendar month and continue every month thereafter to enjoy the Brokerage Fee Waiver every month.
Illustration: A New Client who opens tsock securities account on July 23,hence, July will be the 1st calendar month. Important Disclaimer: Important Disclaimer:. You should hng advice from your professional advisors as to your particular tax position, including but not limited to estate duty and withholding tax that might arise from investing in overseas products.
Rtading material is for information purposes only and is not intended to constitute any offer or solicitation or advice tdading buy or sell any security. Investments are not bank deposits and are not obligations of, guaranteed or insured by Citibank Hong Kong Limited, Citibank, N.
Share prices may go down as well as up. Investment products are not available for U. Any person considering an investment should seek independent advice on the suitability or otherwise of the particular investment. Hong Kong Stock Services. Fill in personal information and make an appointment at branch to complete the application. Make an Appointment. Apply Now. Trade. Welcome offers. Notes: The «Payroll for continuous stock fee waiver» offer is applicable to HK stock buy transactions.
If there is no record of Successful Payroll Deposit or if the payroll account is cancelled in any single month from the 4th calendar month onwards, the offer will be terminated in that month and cannot be resumed. The «Up to a lifetime fee waiver on stock purchases» offer is applicable to HK stock kog transactions. Clients must have at least one Hong Kong stock buy or sell transaction «Eligible Transaction» within the first 3 calendar months of securities account opening to continue enjoying the HK stock buy fee waiver in the 4th calendar month.
Starting from the 4th month, the fee waiver will continue if clients perform at least one Eligible Transaction in each calendar month. If there is no Eligible Transaction within the first 3 calendar months of securities account opening, the offer will be terminated in the 4th month and cannot be resumed.
If there is no Eligible Transaction in any month starting from the 4th month, the offer will be terminated in the following month and cannot be resumed. Existing Clients Online gong account opening steps. Logon to www. Complete 6 questions in the Suitability Questionnaire to ensure you are suitable to open a stock account, accept the Terms and Conditions, and then verify details. Application confirmed. Keep the «Application Reference Number» acknowledgement for future reference.
Stay abreast of market update with Citi Alerts. You can simply set up a price alert within 2 steps to monitor the market changes! Enter your desired stock code 3. Enter your price and amount directly 4. Verify your trade details on the pre-confirmation page 5. View or make changes to your trade with just a few clicks.
Click on the trade you want to make changes on 3. For a holistic projection on your investments. See hlng profits and losses without manual input 3.
Going beyond tradition — Corporate Action Instructions on mobile. Select the Pending Item 3. Normal Order.
Auction Order. It usually enjoys a lower auction matching priority than an at-auction order. Any filled at-auction limit order in whole or in part will be executed at the final traded price of the pre-opening session i. If any pre-opening session is trafing available for whatever reason or when it closes on any Hong Kong trading day, any unfilled at-auction limit order in whole or in part queued in the exchange with an input price not deviating nine times or more from the final traded price of the pre-opening session, i.
Order type cannot tradihg amended via order modification function. If you wants to change the order type from at-auction order to at-auction limit orders, or vice konyou will need to cancel the original order and input a new order of another order type. For at-auction limit order kohg in the pre-opening session on any Hong Kong trading day, any order modification or cancellation hobg may be placed after market closed Random closing period p. Tradng Order Pre-opening Session Xpp At-auction Order Pre-opening Session is a market order without a specified limit price which you may place with the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong for sttock during pre-opening session a.
Any filled at-auction order in whole or in part will be executed at the final traded price of the pre-opening session i. If any pre-opening session is not available for whatever reason or when it closes on any Hong Kong trading day, any unfilled at-auction order in whole or in part will kkng at a. It usually enjoys a lower auction matching priority than an at-auction order An at-auction limit order is an order with a specified price. An at-auction limit order with etock specified price at or more competitive than the final IEP i.
An at-auction limit order may be matched in price and time priority at the closing price. No at-auction limit order will be matched at tradkng price worse hrading its specified price. For at-auction limit order processed in the closing auction session on any Hong Kong trading day, any order modification or cancellation instruction may be placed from konh. It enjoys a higher order hony priority than an at-auction limit order and will be matched in time priority at the closing price in the CAS.
Stop Loss Order. How Does Stop Loss Order work? A stop loss order is a normal order that enables you to preset Stop Loss Price and Lowest Selling Price which you may place with hojg exchange for processing during the relevant trading session on any relevant trading day.
For Hong Kong securities trading, the stop loss order is processed during the continuous trading session a. For U.
How to Buy and Sell Stocks on Robinhood (Beginner App Tutorial)
Other and Timezone Information on HKEx Hong Kong
Login Newsletters. Your potential broker should ideally have an electronic trading platform for you to place stock orders on the SEHK or other exchanges. No commission. The HKD also has a roughly 1. Interactive Brokers is a major international broker based in the United States. Finding a reputable online broker is harder than it stock trading app hong kong be. Standard Account. Benzinga Money is a reader-supported publication. A customer service department should be able to help you resolve trading-related issues. The broker was one of the first brokers to be authorized to offer leveraged forex trading in the Hong Kong domestic market. Your Money. You can reasonably expect any decent stockbroker to give you access to customer service via telephone, email and live chat.
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