Click or tap your username , then click or tap Inventory in the dropdown menu. You can send trade offers to any of your friends with an Inventory that you can view or anyone who has given you their Unique Trade URL. This process is the reverse of the one you used to enable Steam trade requests in the first place. If you’re done using third-party trading websites, or you’re just tired of receiving unsolicited trade requests, you can prevent those requests and hide your inventory at any time. Jeremy Laukkonen.
How To Find Your Steam Trade URL
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How To Find Your Steam Trade URL
Steam is a digital storefront for games on Windows , MacOS , and Linux that also allows you to play games with your friends online. Your Steam account also has an associated inventory that can contain both in-game items, like skins and weapons and unredeemed copies of full games. With your Steam Trade URL in hand, you can trade these inventory items with friends you’ve added , strangers, and even third-party trading sites. You control access to this link, and you also control whether or not anyone can see your inventory. For a Steam Trade URL to work, you first need to change your Steam privacy settings so that other people can see your inventory.
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All rights reserved. A trade offer is a prepackaged trade that you can send to a friend. Allowing the general public to view your Steam inventory lets them see what you own and send trade requests, but you can deny or ignore any that seem unfair or make you feel uncomfortable. It is completely safe to give your Steam URL away. However, because they have access to your account they stwam track all incoming and zpp transactions. With your Steam Trade URL in hand, you can trade these inventory items with friends you’ve addedstrangers, and even third-party trading sites. As mentioned before, the most organic and manual way is to go to your Inventory.
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